Minimizing the carbon footprint
In a world where the race for the cheapest outsourced goods and services is on, manufacturing has moved to places with softer regulations, causing severe environmental issues in many developing countries that affects the whole planet.
Companies in South Africa are no different. When sourcing furniture upon moving to Cape Town, founders Clara and Markus were stunned by how much of the furniture sold in Cape Town had been manufactured elsewhere.
With so much talent and demand for work within the boarders, increasing domestic inquality and an ongoing climate battle, there had to be another way.

Sustainable, local production
To reduce our carbon footprint, we only utilize raw materials from within 100km of our production facility in Cape Town. If the material can't be found in the region, we source it from closest possible location outside the Western Cape.
Unlike the vast majority of the bigger retailers in South Africa, having local production and our supply chain in the Western Cape region allows us to better control and measure the effects our business have on the environment, and thus minimize them.
We only work with suppliers that share our value of working towards becoming a 100% carbon neutral organization.
Climate Positive
To stay focused on positive impact and create a virtuous circle, at BOMO are part of the environmental organization Ecologi. For every product sold, 1% of the benefit is given to fighting deforestation while at the same time taking climate action by supporting reforestation.